Wednesday, September 29, 2010

1st week home

Today marks the 1st week home since Emma Marie La Touche was born. She is so precious. The c-section went fine and she was born a healthy 8 lbs 2oz and 19 inches long with a full head of jet black hair. She is the spitting image of me (Shannon) when I was a baby, except the hair. She is a great baby that hardly cries and sleeps all the time. We have to wake her to eat! In her sleep, you will find her having "baby dreams" where her eyes twitch, she frowns, squishes her eyebrows together, and then giggles. It is the cutest. thing. ever!

Emma loves her daddy, absolutely adores him, but not as much as he adores her. He is a pro swaddler and wraps her up so tight. She now seems to not like her arms or legs swaddled. She actually would rather not have socks on and kicks off her blanket. She is definitely my child.

She has long fingers and toes more like her daddy than me. Her eyes are wide set like mine and she has the chubbiest of cheeks. She is now opening her eyes more, which appear to be a brown color.

We go for our checkup tomorrow to see her doctor and mine.

An update will come later this week!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our last meal, nap, and TV watching just the two of us

Well folks, the hours are counting down. In just 8 1/2 hours we will be arriving at the hospital. Today we spent the day watching tv uninterrupted, napping uninterrupted, and we are about to go to IHOP for a meal uninterrupted. Our lives are about to change forever. We are excited and scared at the same time. Tomorrow at 8:30 am, I will be laying on an operating table looking at my husband giving him the "everything is ok look." I know that he too will be looking at me saying everything is ok, even though I know his heart is beating fast and he is scared to death, though he would never admit it. I keep telling him that she will have him wrapped around her little precious finger and he will crumble. I know he won't fail, cause he has a good heart and so much drive to be the best father. I admire him. I can't wait to see the way he looks at her. I will forever be happy knowing she has a great father, teacher, and confidant.

Within the next few days we will post an update and hopefully some pictures!

Until next time....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Last Sunday as "Just the Two of Us"

Well folks, as many of you know, Ted is off on Sundays. We usually spend them not doing much of anything but spending time together. We realized this is the last Sunday that it will be just the two of us before our baby girl is born. It is kind of bittersweet but we are excited about this next chapter in our lives.

We decided to start this blog since our family is spread out all over the place. The blog will be mostly about the baby girl, but occasionally it will be our outlet to rant about our jobs, about being first time homeowners, and married life.

Well, until next time, love you all...

‎"Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something and has lost something." - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.